Interstellar space

美 [ˌɪntərˈstelər speɪs]英 [ˌɪntəˈstelə(r) speɪs]
  • 网络星际空间
Interstellar spaceInterstellar space
  1. Now in their fourth decade , they are sending back information about the borderlands of interstellar space .


  2. we 're actually going now out into interstellar space ,


  3. The vast interstellar space is not real vacuum .


  4. Interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars .


  5. Clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space .


  6. An immense cloud of gas ( mainly hydrogen ) and dust in interstellar space .


  7. Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space .


  8. Light might be affected by water or prisms , but isn 't interstellar space emptiness itself ?


  9. Furthermore , the protonation processes of some important neutral species are especially important in ionic environments or interstellar space .


  10. A Study of Cosmic-Ray Reacceleration in the Interstellar Space


  11. Interstellar space is very cold , but space near the Sun-and near Earth-is actually incredibly hot !


  12. If these ideas are right , then outside oursolar system rogue planets in interstellar space could be the closest placeswhere extraterrestrial life exists .


  13. The electricity conserved will power instruments that will measure the exotic fields and subatomic particles littering the route to interstellar space .


  14. As stars age , they often shed their skins , so to speak , casting off expansive shells of dust and gas into interstellar space .


  15. Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena , California , investigated how organic molecules might evolve toward greater complexity even in the cold of interstellar space .


  16. It is entirely possible that the comet could have gotten trapped in our solar system from interstellar space , providing us with an unprecedented amount of information about the cosmos .


  17. A supernova not only blasts the heavy elements formed in the star out into interstellar space , but also initiates its own nuclear reaction , producing even heavier elements .


  18. Back then , the sun resided in a dense cluster of stars , and the gravitational jostling could have prevented the planet from escaping to interstellar space .


  19. In another fifteen years or so it will pass the outer edge of the Heliosphere - a human-made object moving for the first time in history into true interstellar space . It 's an awesome thought .


  20. That craft has now almost certainly left our solar system , and the message in a bottle ( or rather a golden record in a space craft ) is heading merrily on its way through interstellar space .


  21. But maybe that is not such a ridiculousidea . In April 2016 , researchers reported that some of the key building blocksof life can be produced from simple substances under harsh conditions mimickingthose of interstellar space .


  22. I mean , as she lived for the last few hours . And two million years later , your frozen body , still moving along steadily at a foot per second , would pass through the heliopause into interstellar space .


  23. In contrast , the interstellar dust collected by Stardust comes directly from local interstellar space .
